Monday 9 August 2010

The Diet Appointment

I've woken with a touch of excitement that can only be compared to the one I feel on Christmas morning and I can't remember why ... what's happening today? Why am I so excited!? Oh yes, that's right - I'm going to be starting the new diet and in 2 months I'm practically going to be half the size!! Okay, so it's extreme and maybe I'm getting ahead of myself but I am feeling very positive!

I called to make my appointment at the pharmacy and spoke to the lovely lady on the phone...she took my name and when I arrived for my appointment she kindly shouted through the chemist ... "are you Tina?" ... I must have looked the exact stereotype for someone on this extreme food quitting diet ... great.

So, myself and the chemist and "SSarah" (the trainee Pharmacist who's training to coach on the Lipotrim diet), squeeze into the stationary cupboard closet, which I think they refer to as their "consulting room"

It is in this room I learn my punishment for the next 2 months ... my punishment for eating and eating without a regard for the consequences for the last 10 years. My punishment is that I will ONLY be allowed to drink 3 milkshakes a day - a special formula which will provide me with 450 calories per day. I'm told after 3 days or so my body will go into Ketosis - it sounds like something I should be concerned about - I had never heard the word "Ketosis" before ... what was it and what were Ketones...apparently they were going to make me no longer crave food and once my body had reached Ketosis stage, I would be burning pure fat - hence the rapid weight loss. It all sounds wonderful and I sign on the dotted line. Then I'm weighed.

Week 1 : 14 stone and 1/2Ib.

I have 5 stone to loose before I am no longer classified as "obese" ... I suddenly realise that this might not be so fun - but who said it was meant to be.

So I leave, £36 in money lighter with a carrier bag full of chocolate and strawberry milkshakes and a few chicken soup formulas and head home to begin my diet. I can't quite remember what those "ke..." somethings were called as I try and recall to my partner Claire, what the diet does...all I can say is KerryKatonas .. they sound about right!

 "So, Claire, when the KerryKatonas kick in on day 3-4 that's when Im going to loose LOADS of weight!"

Although, it is rather silly starting a diet on a Friday night ... maybe just one last supper ... yes, I'll have a HUGE harvester and then I'll start tomorrow!

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