Tuesday 4 January 2011

Oh Bugger it, fail.

Day one on TFR. Fail. Flat on my face, it was like I didnt even bother trying!

I thought I would start TFR again when my life resumed some sort of normality after the Christmas Binge and I went back to work, so I grabbed a shake and truffle bar this morning and headed into the office at some god earthly hour this morning while it was still dark. My intentions were absolutely there. That was until I reached the office and was immediately pounced on, they literally hit me hard right where it hurt .... the bloody left over Ferrero Roche's and Mince Pies from the office Xmas lunch ... I never went to the Xmas Lunch, so assumed these ones must be for me.

Four mince pies, and a number I cant even count up to, of Ferrero Roche's later ... and Im left wondering what the hell is the point of trying to do this today! I also then remembered I had a can of red bull on the way into work ... Iv clearly tried to do too much all in one day - return to work AND diet? No, its not going to happen.

Hence, I went to my usual lunchtime haunt (the greasy spoon next door) to partake in my usual bad habits and what on earth do I walk past ... what has been erected right next door to my office in my measly one month absence from work? A KEBAB SHOP!!! AND it opens at lunchtime ... its like I'm meant to be fat, all these obstacles thrown in front of me, then I tripped over a bakewell tart on the way back into my office.

So, now Iv got all of that (plus a tin of rice pudding and a bag of minstrels) out of my willpower (or lack of it) system this evening ... I shall start again tomorrow.

Watch this space .... weigh in starts tomorrow ... as does starvation.